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Wednesday 18 October 2017

Best Diet for lovebirds, Conures, Exhibitions From August to April

Best Diet for lovebirds, Conures, Exhibitions etc

From August to April
 One of the basic keys to keeping your lovebird healthy isto provide the right kind and a variety of diet to them. The basic diet of lovebirds in the wild is seeds of various fruit sand grasses, the fruit itself, various plants and some insects. Keep a cuttlebone available to your lovebirds at all times as a good source of calcium. Keep fresh, pure steam distilled water for them to drink. Do not purchase cheap seed that is what it is...Cheap nutrients.Don't feed if it's moldy or shows signs of being fouled by vermin.

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Lovebirds husk their seeds before swallowing, but are not goodat chewing the seed. The seed is ground into a pulp in the stomachhelped by grit they swallow. Grit is really gravel, it is held inthe bird's gizzard. Most avian veterinarians now believe thatlovebirds do not need grit provided in their diet, and somebelieve it may do more harm than good.

Read the full information about LADY GOULDIAN FINCHES

Lovebirds do not always accept new foods into their diets readily,sometimes it may take up to 2 weeks or more for them to try anew food. Lovebirds love green foods and most fruits. Lovebirds will eat mealworms, maggots, crickets, various flies andany insect that normally lives on green plants. Ant eggs are agood source of protein.


Fertile Eggs ka hasool aur kush zaroori Points.
Gerald Binks ke mutabik "Roman Urdu Translation"
Summarized Contents:

Acceptable Seeds/Grains:

Millet, canary grass seed, hulled oats, niger seed, flax seed,sunflower seed, rape seed, milo, safflower, soybeans, rye, canary seed,whole wheat, whole brown rice, fennel, caraway, poppy, sesame. Don't over feed sunflower seeds,Petey picks out all the sunflower seeds first, and will eat themto exclusion of the others, this can lead to an imbalance in the diet. 

Budgies huge huge colony "interesting video" 

Acceptable Green Foods:

Lettuce (not iceberg), green peas, spinach, endive, mango leaves,strips of kohlrabi, carrots, carrot tops, fresh corn, tomatoes,radish, red beets, parsley, dandelion, clover, chickweed, sprouts,watercress, broccoli, cucumber, dried peppers, and kale (Peteyand Petunia Love their kale) Wheatgrass is a wonderful food for lovebirds as it is high inchlorophyll and a number of vitamins and minerals. 

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Acceptable Fruits:

Apples, pears, bananas, grapes, strawberry, raspberry, rose hips,pitted cherries, oranges, tangerines, kiwi, figs, melon. If you get driedfruits, be certain they are sulfite free. 

Acceptable Nuts:

Shelled and unshelled peanuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, acorns,horse chestnuts. (All uneaten fresh foods should be removed from the cagesonce a day. Uneaten fruits need to be removed after 2 hours) Be certain you thoroughly wash the insecticides/pesticidesand parasites from the foods before you give to your lovebirds. 

Seed Mixes:

Purchase a mix that is fresh. Seeds should be able to begerminated and sprouted. Avoid buying at a pet store ifpossible, these mixes are commercially prepared in largebatches and may sit around in warehouses or on the shelffor a long time before being purchased. If you ever open a bag of seed and detect a musty or moldyodor, Don't feed it! As a general rule, seed mixes intended for smaller orjunior hookbills, or a lovebird/conure mix is acceptable.Short term, a tiel mix can be used. Vitamin/mineral supplements are not necessary if you are feedingyour lovebird a wide variety of foods and provide them witha cuttlebone.

Never Feed these Foods to Lovebirds:Foods containing sugar, fast food items, greasy foods, foodshigh in fat, salty foods, chocolate, coffee or teas, ice cream, colas,alcohol, (if you think intoxicating a pet bird is amusing, you don'tdeserve to own the bird)  

1 comment:

  1. great Mohammed, your information is very meaningful, i really appropriate you


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